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   Methods  and  Tactics - Intro


     This page contains an overview of a proposed plan of action, describing how a state organization, working in cooperation with a nationwide "Two-Party Party" organization, can begin taking steps to tackle the challenges of:

     (1) helping voters figure out which of the two main-party candidates, in any specific race, will do more to actually, genuinely, and seriously work to help the middle class, rather than merely making empty promises to do so, but then quietly doing whatever their largest campaign contributors tell them to do;

     (2) helping get those candidates elected, via: (i) endorsements, by committees of accomplished and successful moderates, centrists, problem-solvers, and people who have led good lives; and, (ii) advertising, campaign activities, and other support, after the committees have announced their slate of endorsed candidates.

     If those initial goals can be accomplished with even partial success (as shown by higher win rates, for candidates that have been endorsed by a state organization that is cooperating with The Two-Party Party), then other achievable goals will begin to become possible, and do-able.


     One such goal is to "persuade and motivate" both of the two main political parties (Republicans, and Democrats) to begin nominating more centrists, moderates, and skilled problem-solvers, who can appeal to the large numbers of centrist and moderate voters who want government at all levels to actually help solve pressing and urgent problems. If moderates do not begin to establish THAT as one of their goals, they will continue to allow zealots, fanatics, and extremists, in either the Republican or Democratic party, to use insults, attacks, and aggression to create "last man standing" battles that repel and drive away moderates. That process has reached a point of allowing extremists in either party to choose "ideologically pure" nominees (and bombastic "show-ponies", camera-whores, etc.), who will vow to never, ever compromise (or even negotiate in good faith) with anyone from the other party (since, according to those types of characters, the other party is racked and riddled with evil enemies of America, who are trying to destroy America, and everything good America has ever accomplished)..


    So . . . with THAT as the alternative, The Two-Party Party urgently pleads with moderates, skilled problem-solvers, respectable people who have led good lives and had good careers – and others who have chosen (until now), and with good reason, to simply not go wading and wallowing in the toxic, infected, stinking, fetid swamp of "modern politics" – to change their position, and try to make good and useful connections with other moderates, centrists, and reasonable people.


     The steps outlined below offer a feasible, realistic, and hopefully appealing opportunity to do exactly that. Nevertheless, they do not claim to be anything more than "an early draft", written (up until the date of first posting on this website) by a single person (who, however, has several different skillsets, professional licenses, and perspectives, and who also has had the help of a number of friends, advisors, etc.). Therefore, if anyone out there thinks they can come up with a better set of proposals, then:

     (1) they are urged to publish and post their ideas, in whatever form they choose, while hopefully also sending a copy to The Two-Party Party organization in Missouri, where it was first created; and

     (2) they also are urged to seriously consider helping to create a Two-Party Party organization, in whatever state they live in (other than Missouri), and become one of the founding members, and leaders, of that organization, in that state. A proposed set of terms, to help guide interactions between any state groups that are formed, will be developed when needed, via negotiations with any other candidate groups; and, please note, in advance, that:

     (a) any attempts at any form of nationwide control will (necessarily) be VERY loose, informal, and non-binding, during the 2024 election cycle; and,

     (b) after Election Day 2024 is over, any and all state organizations that have tried to get up and running, can take stock, share information with each other, see who did what (and find out what seemed to work the best), and then begin working to try to assemble some sort of national organization, to begin getting ready for the 2024 elections.

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